June, 2 2010 at 5:45 am

I too am housebound by anxiety. I have DID and have a VERY SCARED PART that won't leave the house without a BIG WAR. At therapy this week, I found out that she is very young (probably an infant) who feels that she has found a safe place in our home and that outside these walls, someone (unknown to her) will hurt her. WOW!! What a horrendous world she has been living in. Through therapy (hopefully), she now has me to protect her from all harm. And hopefully, now I will be able to go out much more easily without the battles and wars that we have been having for many, many years. Up until now, I could go out if someone would come and pick me up, but going out on my own was a battle that would go on for days and days and days. Can't wait to see if things have changed. ANXIETY IS A TERRIBLE BALL AND CHAIN TO DRAG AROUND WITH YOU!!!