Dr Musli Ferati
January, 7 2012 at 9:41 pm

One from among prerequisite to mental welfare is the affinity to love oneself by both self acceptance and self respecting behave through daily functioning. This statement is most necessary, when are in question bipolar patient, whose emotional fluctuation is very unbridled. Indeed, the feeling of genuine self love implies a satisfying social state in which everyone should to realize numerous life needs. In consequently, it goes without saying to respect the role and the place of others in social network when respective person live and work. Without this life style of interpersonal relationship, we would be condemn to live in hostile environment. So, it should to balance individual desires with others interest and deeds, in order to be acceptable in community as useful and successful person. One excluded person from respective social network couldn't be happy and with healthy emotional statement even posses the sense of self-esteem.