Joseph Allman
February, 22 2018 at 12:50 pm

My roommate and former best friend is dual diagnosed bipolar and drug addict (in recovery). We entered into a short term agreement that I would handle the household affairs in exchange for room and board while I was looking for a job. It has been a nightmare ever since. He is often abusive verbally and it has escalated to violence on two occasions. Any offense he perceives, based in fact or not, results in him attempting to throw me out at that moment. While I, and others, can see that he’s full of @$!# most of the time, it’s like he really believes everyone around him is the problem. His mood range from entitlement to rage to convincing contrition. It’s a wild rollercoaster of insanity living with him and I try my best not to engage him on any level. Last night, I had to call the police because he started one of his episodes and I knew I was too physically weak from surgery that day to deal with him. It eventually devolved to him running around the apartment in his underwear while guests tried to calm him down and he threw all the food in the kitchen away, citing it as an attempt to starve me. I’m really not sure how to handle him when he goes to that insane place. I care about the guy but enough is really enough and he is dangerous and destructive when he gets out of control. Any advice on how to deal with a bipolar person with strong aggression would be much appreciated.