October, 31 2021 at 3:24 am

Nonsensical psychology. If you go with the notion that "abuse" causes promiscuity you are very lost. It fascinates me how when a woman, child, or LGBT person is involved its never their fault. Promiscuity is NOT caused by external factors because it is a very internal behavior. In fact promiscuity is not sexual, promiscuity is a need for other people. Children whose parents neglect will desire being wit those said parents, but if it is continually difficult, they seek the same from other members of the same family, if that's difficult they totally rebel from the family to seek the same from strangers. I know this because it happened to me. A girl seduced me then a few years later she told everyone i abused her. On the night that it happened we were sleeping in the same room with no one else. She asked me to get on the bed(i was sleeping on the floor). I didn't know she wanted sex. She spooned me, then went outside as if she is going to bathroom, but she had gone there to remove her clothes. She came back to bed and when i realized she had removed her clothes that's when we had sex because i was sure that's what she wanted. She is the one that came on to me and made sure that we have sex, but how could she accuse me years later?
I realize now that sex is a way to use another person to get what your own parents could not give. Sexual promiscuity happens when now that the people you are relating to are not your parents, being very close to them invokes sexual feelings, or a desire to "mate". A promiscuous person will get that from you, but because it is a need for them, she will not want to give anything to you. That is where the difference comes in, this is where they accuse you of abuse so that they keep what they got from, and the ensuing weakness you get from such an accusation, they will use that to accuse you of many other things bad things that happened in their lives that you had no input over and had no knowledge of.
Promiscuity is a need for ones parents, it is a vacuum that has to be filled, but if it filled by a stranger, the stranger does not have parental feelings t protect him when sexual feelings well up. This is why people who get raped or such, tend to experience the same thing again and again. To show that this is an issue of parental neglect, where are the parents when the child is being molested? I have seen promiscuity and i know it exists before puberty, before abuse, i mean what about those promiscuous teenagers who have never been abused? You said it right in the beginning, it is illogical. Where then do you turn around and find reasons to support it? If anybody wants this to be understood, go with the logic, not emotional support for people whose circumstance you do not understand. And i find it odd that when a promiscuous girl grows up to tell one that they have a need to be with men, why would that not say, thats how she has been and that's what caused the "sexual abuse" because she wanted those men to do that to her? So don't tell me abuse causes promiscuity because i have seen abuse and i can tell you these "victims" are the abusers and they are more abusive than you can ever imagine.