Laura Brown
April, 3 2022 at 9:01 pm

I was diagnosed 2 years ago with personality disorder I have not been assessed properly but what I do understand is that my long-distance relationship completely collapse because of my mental health my abandonment issues me smothering the person me so focused and loving I made that person my world I was paranoid I needed the person with me continuously in frantic my ex told me they walked on eggshells who feel they were never going to be good enough for me as I was always making Digs , I was just an emotional mess when my relationship broke I begged cried screamed because I couldn't believe this person was let me go the person that told me they love me so much and can live without me me I am distraught every night it's a horrible way to live I'm waiting to get an assessment done however I feel I am never going to have a happy healthy relationship I'm always thinking I'm ugly I have no friends and am isolated it feels I'm so needy and I need constant validation I have severe abandonment issues I'm just so scared of who I am and what I am I don't understand anything anymore or I do feel suicidal Tendencies every night I don't act onnit however if I don't get the appropriate diagnosis I can't live in this pain anymore it's too much to handle and I'm never going to be happy it's charging so many people in Scotland get miss diagnosed and end up killing themselves