July, 8 2022 at 12:37 pm

My girlfriend cheated on me for 1.5 years and when I broke it off with her she disclosed that she has CSA history with her half brother (he passed away late 2017 from drug overdose). Our sex life was good in the beginning of the relationship but then we stopped having sex in 2020 during the pandemic because she thought she was “broken” and didn’t want sex or anything and pushed me away - I couldn’t even touch her or communicate with her, it’s almost like she lost complete attraction towards me. Then in 2021 I caught her flirting with other guys and decided to take a break from each other, and come to find out she cheated on me days into our break and has been with the guy ever since - she was living a double life and had a full relationship with this guy, having sex with no condoms, and thought they were soulmates, kids, marriage etc.. (the guy even disclosed that she had her first orgasm with him, something I found hard to believe because she couldn’t have orgasm - which I’m sure is related to PTSD from CSA trauma) long story short, i broke up with her and told her I wouldn’t talk to her until she got a therapist, and after a month she did, but has been in contact with the guy still.. when I found this out I went no contact on her again and finally starting my journey to heal. I’m confused because she still tells me that she loves me and she doesn’t know who she was when she was with him, and why she did the things she did. I’m sure she did that to just keep me around but I’ve heard of CSA victims cheating on spouses they actually love and infidelity is some sort of coping mechanism to self sabotage a good relationship.. can anybody relate to this or give me any insight?