January, 18 2023 at 12:18 pm

Yesterday afternoon I met up with my sisters and their friend in downtown. We got lunch but I had like two bites because I just wasn’t feeling very hungry, but I was on an empty stomach. I drank a pretty strong margarita and then had a shock top after. I was pretty buzzed and feeling good, and then I left them and walked across the street to meet up with my boyfriend and his friend at a brewery. I drank one beer at each brewery we went to, and stupidly ordered the beers with the highest alcohol content. I ended up having like 3 or 4 beers, each beer having between like 8-10% alcohol in it. Now keep in mind I was still on an empty stomach, I wasn’t drinking water though I normally do when I go out drinking, plus I’m not a very big person, I weigh about 135-140 lbs. Anyway, I blacked out before we left the bars and my boyfriend wasn’t aware I had drinks before meeting up with him and I guess i’m good at hiding how drunk I actually am, so he didn’t know how trashed I was. We drove separately so apparently I went to my car and drove to the weed dispensary (because I have my medical card) and he said he saw me driving and that I was swerving and he tried to call me but I didn’t answer. At some point he lost me on the road and I remember being at the dispensary and buying a weed pen (I can’t imagine being the person that rang me up for it.) I don’t remember leaving but I wound up at my parents house later on in the night. According to my sisters I came in and started smoking the weed pen and then I fell over and knocked a nightstand over. When I look at what time I purchased the pen and then what time I came to at my parents house, there’s 2 hours of missing time. I think I was following the gps to get somewhere to go hang out with someone, I’m pretty sure I was driving more than I remember (thank god I didn’t get into an accident or get pulled over.) I was still pretty drunk when my memory starts to come back to me later in the night, I tried to leave their house and my dad wouldn’t let me drive, then my boyfriend came to pick me up (keep in mind I hadn’t answered any of his 15 calls all night and he didn’t know where I was,) so when I finally talked to him he was pretty pissed that I wasn’t communicating with him, but he picked me up and my family all came out to the street when I got in the car and started yelling at my boyfriend, blaming him for getting me drunk and for me almost leaving to drive to his house even though he didn’t know how drunk I was or really anything that happened with me after the bars. I had the worst hangover anxiety late last night and still kinda have one today. I called out of work because I just needed to take it easy today. That’s probably the worst drunk incident I’ve ever had or ever had people seen me have. I don’t EVER act like that drunk or not. Im very embarrassed and ashamed by my behavior and I literally never wanna drink again. I feel really dumb. Hopefully I can recover from the embarrassment soon!